Jack K McPherson
July 31, 1921 - August 29, 2020

Dad authored two books.
He wrote about his life in "The Long, Long Journey"
Also with over 60 years of marriage, he wrote "The Successful Marriage"

This is dad with a car while in Virginia I think.

This is dad with Miles and long time friend of his in the ASA community

Dad bought this car in 1948. He says he bought it on Vanness Blvd in San Fransico when driving by with Mom. It was on a pedestal and he told the salesman, get it down and give me price out the door.

This is dad in Holland at the Queens Birthday Rally in the early 60s. It was fun with wreath across front of car...

Dad did a lot of Rallys witht eh British Motor Racing Club. He would race the Sprite in the races, but one time when we were visiting they decided to let him enter the Chrysler. So this was him putting it thru its paces...

Just as they ride together everyday, I know that Marc still is my Wingman and with me in my travels.

This is when Dad retired with over 20 years service in the the Army!!