Etta Carol (Warburton) McPherson
April 7, 1922 - Apr 14, 2014

This is mom at age 16 in 1938

This is mom with Tommy in 1946 in Bisbee AZ.
Mom was a pretty stylish back then!

This is mom and Kathy and I in Okinowa 1954 in a rickshaw!!

Mom with the sprite as she and dad were touring in Europe in 1960.

Mom with Nicky, one of the two yorkies we brought from England with us in 1963.
This is a 1957 Chrysler we bought when we landed in NY coming back from England. We used this car to to our acoss the USA to Tomales where we were assigned.
It was funny, this car had the passengers back door caved in and because of the dark color most people never knew that.
It also was a very rare model. I have looked at car shows for years and have not found this exact model... EVER.....

This was mom in 2012 when she was still getting around and enjoying life.